One Applination Under A Groove
12 hour all night writing event
Somewhere in the near future…
The Conservatives have just been elected with a sweeping majority. News has come through that one of their first policy decisions is to cancel arts funding with immediate effect. Arts organisations have been informed that they have 12 hours to spend their remaining funding. This has prompted the announcement of a rash of ill thought through and frankly quite bizarre commission opportunities - to be completed before the night is out. BAZ, as ever, have had their grubby ears to the art world ground, and have heard about this situation in advance through their Westminster based mole (Steve). In preparation for this night of mass national panic writing, BAZ have set-up a temporary newspaper office at Grand Union - with a ping pong table. BAZ are inviting artists and writers to join them for this application writing all-nighter as they attempt to deal with the opportunities deluge coming through the Fax machine.
Conservative Biography writing
BAZ have just heard that later on in the evening there may be a Tate Modern Turbine Hall commission opportunity - that celebrates the Conservative Party. Please adjust your biography or CV so that it will be viewed more favourably by the Conservative Party.
150 words max
25 minutes
Arts Council: We’re All Going On A Summer Holiday And Learning Something About Engagement
The Arts Council have announced plans for a commission that has to include arts council employees (approximately 500) going on summer holiday and having a nice time, whilst learning something about engagement. The proposed project can involve any creative form, be mass participative, last 1 week and be based anywhere in the UK. Proposals will be favoured that increase our employees knowledge of public engagement.
350 words
1 hour
Arts Council Black Country: Pork Scratching Commission
Arts Council Black Country branch have announced plans for a 1 million pound commission in the Black Country to celebrate the much maligned pork scratching. Proposals in any artistic form are now been accepted, although a preference is for dance pieces.
300 words
50 minutes
Fierce Festival
Fierce Festival have decided to produce an art-work that features an elephant, a hoover and a packet of maltesers. The student with the lowest degree show mark at the local university will be awarded £20,000 to make a truly awful piece of art-work. Please write a proposal outlining this piece of work.
300 words
1 hour
Birmingham City Council Cultural Commissioning Service: The Great Big Viaduct Plan
We, Birmingham City Councils Cultural Commissioning Service, have just discovered that due to an administrative error, the majority of our arts money has been going into the 1999 Secret Santa Fund. Because of this discovery, we are pleased to announce plans for an ambitious commission to transform the disused Digbeth viaduct - The Great Big Viaduct Plan.
The application idea or concept must use water to express multiculturalism
600 words max
50 minutes
Wysing Commission: Please Sir!
Wysing Arts have three six week residencies on offer, for artists or writers, that respond to three thematic tensions in the film Oliver. Artists or writers should apply by outlining a project that responds to one of these three themes:
‘Rich Versus Poor’
‘Dickensian England 2012’
We expect the time at Wysing to be spent producing work. You will have a fee of £2000 and a materials budget of £2000.
650 words
50 minutes