Where’s the Toilet?
Billboard at Glasgow International as part of the ESP Castling project showing a selection of artist-led toilets from across the UK.
Toilets are important; their use as changing rooms for performance artists and storage of old flyers is worthy of their presence in art history alone. BAZ recommends though, that to enjoy Glasgow International fully, you carry a half used toilet roll in your bag at all times. This will ensure there are no awkward text messages to friends waiting patiently in the gallery. It will also avoid the demeaning misuse of the copy of Variant [1] that you [2] pick up, but will never get round to reading, even on the train home [3]. Foundation paper sculpture exercises weren’t meant for this - be safe and travel equipped [4].
In an era of the 10p pee, 20p piddle and 30p leak (London), art galleries provide an essential public service: free public toilets. How many do you recognise? Have you experienced the disco toilet craze sweeping the UK artist-led scene? Just how active are you? You could win yourself Duchap’s original urinal [5].
[Toilets from Grand Union / Eastside Projects / The Meter Room / The Royal Standard / David Dale Gallery & Studios / G39 / Tether / Outpost / Bristol Diving School and one toilet so primitive we don't want to shame the space my naming them].
[1] Prevalent multi-functional publication whose monopoly in artist led spaces would arouse suspicion in other industries. There are many variations for Variant. Recent BAZ spots include wet weather hat,fly-swat, tweet us with yours #Variantvarieties.
[2] Always.
[3] True art world veterans though will always insist on using the rough stuff.
[4] Curators may additionally also want to carry an emergency Herbal Tea bag, for those studio visits where only a Rooibos will do.
[5] Duchaps is a bar in Redditch.